Solitaire MatchDescription Welcome to "Solitaire Match"! In this exciting game, you will develop a village by accumulating coins through card matching. Your main task is to match cards to make a total of 10. When you do this, the cards will disappear, and you will earn coins. The goal is to continue removing cards until there are no more matching combinations left. You will clear the stage by achieving the required coin quota. If you do not achieve the quota and the slots become full, you will fail the level. To earn more coins, you can match combinations with...
免費線上玩紙牌對戰 - 從今天開始!
接龍配對說明 歡迎來到 「接龍配對」,這是一款令人興奮且引人入勝的紙牌遊戲,策略與樂趣並存!在此遊戲中,您將透過巧妙的紙牌搭配,累積金幣來發展村莊。目標很簡單,但卻充滿挑戰性:配對紙牌,使總數達到 10,讓它們消失,並在過程中賺取寶貴的金幣。隨著進度,您的目標是持續移除撲克牌,直到棋盤上不再有匹配的組合為止。每次成功配對卡牌,您就能賺取金幣,用來進一步發展您的村莊。不過,有一個問題是,您必須在...